Lesys Crystalline Maltitol Lesys Crystalline Maltitol

Numerous regional and international organisations have confirmed the safety of Crystalline Maltitol. JECFA (Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives / World Health Organisation) have reviewed the safety data and concluded that Maltitol is safe. JECFA has established an acceptable daily intake (ADI) for Maltitol of ‘not specified’ which means
that no limits are placed on its use which is the safest categorisation possible. In the EU, the Scientific Committee for Food concluded that Maltitol is acceptable for use also without setting a limit on its use and in the USA, Maltitol has self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognised as Safe) status.

Legal Status
Lesys™ Crystalline Maltitol is permitted for use in food and pharmaceuticals in most countries including all the key markets. In the EU, Maltitol is approved in EU Directive No.1129/2011. In the USA, its GRAS petition was accepted by the FDA in 1986. Its use is permitted as a food additive in the Mercosur countries of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay under resolution number 101/94. In Japan, Lesys™ is permitted and categorised as a food; in China and South Korea Maltitol is approved as a food additive for use in a wide variety of foods.
